You are a housing hero.

Mahalo for supporting PAL Hawaiʻi. Your tax-deductible gift houses vulnerable families and our islands’ workforce, creating a stronger Hawai'i for future generations.

Mahalo for your donation.

Our donation form gives you the option to fund a project you are passionate about or give where it’s most needed.

Increase your impact by joining PAL Pōhai, our monthly giving circle. Learn more >

Our donation platform accepts bank account transfers. However, if you would like to donate by paper check, please make it payable to "PAL Hawaiʻi Org."

Our mailing address is:
PAL Hawaiʻi
4585 Lehua St #300
Kapaʻa, HI 96746

Why our donors support PAL.

  • “As periodic visitors to Kaua’i, with lots of interest in its people and landscapes, it’s a pleasure to contribute in a small way.”

    Paul Starrs & Lynn Huntsinger

  • “I have heard that housing in Hawai’i is quite expensive and I think it's important to support organizations that help folks find affordable housing. I myself was the beneficiary of a Land Trust. If it wasn't for organizations like yours, many folks wouldn't have a roof over their heads. Now that I am in a better financial position, this is one way for me to give back.”

    Judy Alexander

  • “I was struck by the terrible housing shortage not only on our island, but statewide. I simply wanted to add my voice, experience, and finances to partner to solve the housing crisis.”

    Jen McGeehan

  • “I feel more civically engaged. Local government officials have thanked me for speaking up at public meetings in support of a variety of housing, affordable for all households. It is better to try to do my part speaking up for housing than to wring my hands.”

    Ashley Coates

  • “I am a Realtor, and at a time in my life where making a positive contribution to my community is important to me. Affordable housing is a very significant community issue.”

    Richard Solie

  • “I grew up on Kaua’i. It is definitely home for me, and the land and people mean a lot to me. It makes me very sad and angry that native Hawaiians can't afford to purchase a home there, and some can't even afford rent.”

    Rachel Snow

  • “I have been working on various "Affordable Housing" projects in the Hawaiian islands for almost 25 years now. PAL is the only organization that I have worked with that actually wants to build affordable housing for local residents. I see PAL getting things built and how it is making a positive impact for the people who really need a break in life.”

    Christopher St. Claire

  • “I have watched over the last three decades how working people on Kaua’i have been failing to find affordable living situations. How many of them work multiple jobs to make ends meet. I have seen whole neighborhoods destroyed by gentrification. I have seen homelessness created by rising housing costs. People can't move to the next county and the neighborhoods they counted on to be affordable are no longer within their reach. It is upon those of us with the means of time and/or money to work on the issue of housing or, more deeply, the issue of affordable living.”

    Larry Parker

  • “It is very difficult for the average person to afford a house. It is hard to find skilled workmen like plumbers and carpenters, as they move off-island to find better living situations.”

    Jonathan McRoberts

See our current fundraisers